Special Prosecutors Appointed in Casey Goodson, Jr. Matter

Posted on 6/8/2021


The Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney has filed the necessary documents to appoint H. Tim Merkle and Gary S. Shroyer as Special Prosecutors to assist the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office with the investigation and prosecution of matters involving the shooting death of Casey Goodson, Jr., other cases involving law enforcement use of force, and other public integrity matters.
The appointment of  Mr. Merkle and Mr. Shroyer will be effective upon the approval of the Court of Common Pleas and the execution of the contracts. We anticipate Mr. Shroyer beginning his service by June 11 and Mr. Merkle starting his service on June 19. Both men have extensive experience as trial attorneys. In addition, they are both former senior prosecutors who served under former Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney S. Michael Miller. Mr. Shroyer and Mr. Merkle have prosecuted and defended high level criminal cases, including death penalty cases, and engaged in civil trial work.
They have both agreed to provide this very important public service as special prosecutors to the people of Franklin County. The appointments of Mr. Merkle and Mr. Shroyer are the appropriate course of action given that the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office serves as legal counsel to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and anticipates defending the County and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office in civil matters relating to the shooting death of Casey Goodson, Jr.